The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Hey guys welcome back to Critical Thinking Aloud. Today we are going to be answering the last question I received while we were going through our massive 8 part teaching on Why is the World the way it is? During that series we had a blast looking at how the world has...

Theology Lessons in 60 Seconds: What is Sin?

To sum up our What is Sin? series: we do not believe God has ever or will ever be responsible for anyone’s sin whether that be a spiritual or physical being. We believe that sin is a failure to be that which God has endowed us to be, his image bears. This failure...
The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Hey Everyone, Welcome back to Critical Thinking Aloud. Today we are going to continue to answer some questions that popped up during our massive 8 part series on Why is the World the way it is? If you haven’t had a chance to check out those teachings yet, do so...