by God is Love | Sep 30, 2020 | Biblical Studies
Family If God has created us, and created us in His own image to boot, then we should be wondering what He created us for? We feel that the answer to this question will not only clarify faulty thinking about God (Theology) but also fill Gods image bearers life with...
by God is Love | Sep 29, 2020 | Biblical Studies
Here we are at the finale of our series: Why is the world the way it is? What a great journey it has been covering this topic through the eyes of the Ancient Near Eastern biblical authors. We have learned a lot together for which I am super thankful for. Throughout...
by God is Love | Sep 24, 2020 | Biblical Studies
Wow everyone, part 7 can you believe that. What an honor it has been to go through this series with you guys and now I can say with confidence we are nearing the finish line. Today will be our second to last episode in this series. We will be building on the past 6...
by God is Love | Sep 22, 2020 | Biblical Studies
Hey everyone we are back for the sixth part of Why is the world the way it is? Parts 1-5 have been a journey to say the least. If you have not gone through those posts yet please do so here. We will be building off everything we have gone over so far and won’t...
by God is Love | Sep 3, 2020 | Biblical Studies
Hey everyone, can you believe it? Today we are on part 5 of our series on Why is the world the way it is? I wanted to let you guys know it has been a blast going through this with you. This is hands down one of favorite things to teach about. I enjoy it so much...