Welcome to Critical Thinking Aloud where we examine the Biblical Text to learn more about it’s ancient Near Eastern Context to better apply the intended meaning to our lives.
Our purpose
Critical Thinking Aloud is a journey that we are embarking on together to think deeper about Theology (the study of God) and the Bible. We believe and hold to be true that the biblical text is where biblical doctrine and our theology should ultimately derive from.
This is not to exclude our personal experiences with the Lord which we believe God uses to make Himself known to us as well. Our conviction is that where we have not received personal revelation or if the biblical text and personal revelation are ever in contradiction with each other the biblical text always takes precedence as Gods primary way of revealing Himself to Humanity.
We are excited about the expansion of our ministry and we are looking forward to exploring the scriptures together as we critical think aloud while seeking to interpret the Bible in its original ancient near eastern context.
Join us as we critically think aloud together!